
Showing posts from June, 2021

Bionic Eye: Restoring Visions

An Iconic Innovation Restoring Vision. Eyesight is one of the most important senses of humans. 80% of what we perceive comes through our sense of sight. this enables a human to look around the world, the beauty of the earth, faces of our loved ones, Many of the movements we perform, tasks we complete, and personal interactions we make rely on vision in some way. Have you ever imagine a life without vision. Huuuuuh! feels horrific! There are millions of people who face the loss of their eyesight from degenerative eye diseases. The genetic disorder retinitis pigmentosa alone affects 1 in 4,000 people worldwide. The field of Technology is expanding gradually. Today, there is technology available to offer partial eyesight to people with blindness or low vision. Researchers around the world have been working to cure this with various bionic solutions. Image from Particle Researchers from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia have built a bionic eye that promises to bring back vision wit


Scientists have said: A ceiling-mounted device has been developed which can detect whether individuals in the room have Covid-19 in 15 minutes. Researches from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine(LSHTM) and the biotech company RoboScientific with Durham University, study tested devices with Organic semiconductor sensors which could potentially be used as a Screening tool for Covid-19. They anticipate this sensor can be used in public spaces where the risk of transmitting the disease can be high. It has been founded in research that Covid-19 infection has its own distinct smell. These odor results from changes in VOC compound which make body odor that the sensor can detect. A team of 54 individuals donated their body odor sample of work socks - 27 covid-19 positives who asymptotic or had mild symptoms and 27 individuals were uninfected. Samples were analyzed by the developed sensor Roboscientifc’s Model 307B VOC analyzer fitted with an array of 12 OSC sensors. on the fi

Jacquard by Google x Levis: The Next Generation Jacket

Connected, not distracted. Iconic Levi’s®  Trucker jacket merges style with innovative Jacquard technology. Technology is going more innovative day by day. and today there is no single aspect where technology is not been used. From just calculations to implementing massive space projects, technology is everywhere. so why not fashion? Have you ever thought of wearing such clothes, which can provide digital services? Yes, you read it right, there is such a jacket by which we can control our phones and other things. Google’s ATAP team demoed a new kind of wearable tech at Google I/O that used functional fabrics and conductive yarns to allow you to interact with your clothing and, by extension, the phone in your pocket. Google and Levi’s had announced their latest collaboration: Jacquard-enabled versions of Levi’s Trucker Jacket. These jackets come in different styles, including the Classic Trucker and the Sherpa Trucker, and men’s and women’s versions. Connected, not distracted. Iconic Le

Virtual Influencers : A Human-Robot interaction on Instagram!

Welcome the computer-generated influencer. Today every one of us is active on social media platforms like Instagram and is aware of social media influencers. For us, Social media influencers mean people just like humans, but today in the 21st-century term "Social Media Influencer" is way beyond our imagination. With the rise of influencers comes a new breed of virtual fashion aesthetes, complete with supermodel looks and Instagram-worthy content: welcome the computer-generated influencer - Virtual Influencers. While humans are probably still many years away from walking among robots on the street, running into them in the gym, or dining next to them in a restaurant, social media is one place where H2R (Human 2 Robot) interaction is evolving at a rapid pace thanks to radical developments in science, engineering, and artificial intelligence. What Are Virtual Influencers? Millions of people around the world are taking to Instagram to follow and engage with a new wave of online p


Elon Musk's neurotechnology company is building a tool to link human brains with computers without a physical connection. Neuralink, Elon Musk's neurotechnology company, is building a tool to link human brains with computers without a physical connection. Neuralink , the brain-computer interface, and neuroprosthetics company started by Elon Musk and others in 2016 is developing ultra-high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers. Today this sounds a bit crazy and next to impossible but in the near future with the advancement of AI(Artificial Intelligence), the time is not so far when we will be going to interact with machines without any physical connection.  It may seem bold to bet against the maverick entrepreneur. Neuralink’s president, Max Hodak , once said . (If you tell Musk something is not possible, it “better be limited by a law of physics or you are going to end up looking stupid,” ). Part of Elon Musk's inspiration for the creation of

How Apple users can now access Siri without an internet connection?

Apple's Siri on iPhone and iPad will soon be able to perform actions even without the internet, although there are limits with the iOS upgrade. Apple’s digital assistant Siri will process audio on-device by default in iOS 15, meaning you will be able to use the feature without an active internet connection. Apple says the upgrade will also make Siri faster. Processing audio on-device will make using Siri more private, says Apple. This follows the company’s well-established preference fo r implementing machine learning features on-device , rather than sending data away to the cloud to be processed. Apple makes a huge deal about being at the cutting edge of privacy protection online. For all these years, Siri has required an internet connection to work. It processes all your requests online, even for things that have no online factor-like setting timers or adjusting volume.  With iOS 15 and iPadOS 15, that’s finally changing. Siri will gain a new on-device speech recognition model