Elon Musk's neurotechnology company is building a tool to link human brains with computers without a physical connection.

Neuralink, Elon Musk's neurotechnology company, is building a tool to link human brains with computers without a physical connection. Neuralink, the brain-computer interface, and neuroprosthetics company started by Elon Musk and others in 2016 is developing ultra-high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers.

Today this sounds a bit crazy and next to impossible but in the near future with the advancement of AI(Artificial Intelligence), the time is not so far when we will be going to interact with machines without any physical connection.  It may seem bold to bet against the maverick entrepreneur. Neuralink’s president, Max Hodak, once said. (If you tell Musk something is not possible, it “better be limited by a law of physics or you are going to end up looking stupid,”).

Part of Elon Musk's inspiration for the creation of Neuralink is a science-fiction concept called Neural Lace that is part of the fictional universe in Scottish author lain M. Bank's series of novels The Culture.

Neuralink aims to make devices that initially would treat serious brain disease and brain damage that was caused by a stroke in the short term. In the long term, the company's goal is to develop the technology for human enhancement. We have seen the future of music streaming, and it will be transmitted directly to your brain, thanks to Elon Musk’s Neuralink. 

His brain interface company Neuralink is currently developing devices that can be implanted in the human brain, such as flexible threads, thinner than human hair, designed to be implanted into the brain to monitor brain activity. Musk’s ambition with Neuralink is to make connecting the brain to a computer as simple as LASIK surgery to cure brain ailments and someday even help humans compete with AI.

Musk's Neuralink Chip 

How does Neuralink work?

Neuralink, it is hoped, will work by implanting tiny electrodes into the patient's brain. This is done to link human brains with computers without the need for any other physical connection. 
Each and every brain-computer interface (BCI) will likely be much more than just a way for you to control whatever streaming service you use. When fully developed, it could be used for things like communicating with loved ones, searching the Internet, and interacting directly with AI.
It could even replace your television, streaming content straight into your brain. Of course, these kinds of functionality are still nowhere near being achieved, but the potential for the technology is immense. 
 At present, our understanding of the brain is still rather limited. Whilst we have gleaned a lot of information on which parts are responsible for memory or motor function.
However, with regards to BCI, we do know which parts of the brain are responsible for limb movement, which parts receive stimuli from the body, etc. By implanting BCI technology into small patches on the brain's surface, it can be used to help paralyzed patients move robotic arms. The normal nerve signal from the brain for moving a limb is passed through the BCI to a computer. This, in turn, translates the command and moves a robotic arm accordingly. 

According to Musk, without the creation of the Neural Lace technology, humans will be unable to keep pace with the rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence.

As of now its seems quite challenging but with the rapid increase in advanced technology, at some point, Neural Lace is going to enable humans to upload and download information directly from a computer. Just in a similar way to how Neo from the Matrix does in order to learn new skills and acquire new information. 



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