
Showing posts from July, 2021

HYPERLOOPS : Traveling US to India in 3 Hours!

Most of us like travelling, but a long journey always brings us to a tired situation. Almost every traveler wishes to have a mode of transport at the speed of light. Imagine sitting in a vehicle that covers miles and miles in some minutes or hours. This surely will make our traveling tired-free and more than that a journey full of excitement. Making this possible for the world companies are trying to bring this technology in real, many companies have started building projects on Hyperloop traveling. With high speeds potentially reaching up to 700mph on the ground, Hyperloop technology will revolutionize the way passengers travel forever. Traveling between two cities will become a journey of some minutes only. What is Hyperloop?   Hyperloop is a new form of transports that enables ground traveling at over 700 miles an hour in a floating pod that races along inside giant low-pressure tubes, either above or below ground. Hyperloop technology was conceived by Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon

Instagram New Update Gives Young Users More Safer And Private Experience.

Young Users will now have default Private Account on Instagram. After making adults fond of it, Now Instagram is ruling among the teens too. Recently it has been seen that many teenage influencers have come upon this platform and kids are now keeping themselves engaged in Instagram reels. Keeping in mind a good, safe experience for kids, Social media platform Instagram has announced on Tuesday that it will start defaulting users under age 16 to private accounts. Instagram has stated in its statement "Creating an experience on Instagram that’s safe and private for young people, but also fun comes with competing challenges. We want them to easily make new friends and keep up with their family, but we don’t want them to deal with unwanted DMs or comments from strangers.  We think private accounts are the right choice for young people, but we recognize some young creators might want to have public accounts to build a following." This new feature will be applied to all new account

This self-healing material can automatically repair your broken smartphone screen.

An incredible Innovation by Kolkata scientists can open several new possibilities in applications of self-healing materials  By owning a smartphone, we desperately want to have a technology that prevents our smartphone screen from being unbroken after falling or the screen automatically repairs itself after being broke.  Seems that our wish has been fulfilled. Scientists from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata and IIT Kharagpur, have discovered a new self-healing material that can repair itself in a fraction of a second. What are Self-healing materials? Living organisms have the ability to heal themselves when certain damages and injuries occur. Our skin can recover itself after getting damaged. This unique ability inspired scientists to discover self-healing synthetic materials. How does it work? At the time of production,  capsules containing healing agents are stored with the base materials. When the damage occurs the capsules burst too and releas

Space Tourism: 5 Companies who can take you on a tour to Space.

Thinking of traveling to space for common citizens seems nearly impossible. but with the advancement of space travel in the near future, we might be spending our vacations in space looking at the sun, moons, planets, and other celestial bodies.  The concept of space tourism is one of the most exciting emerging features of human space travel. What is Space Tourism? Space Tourism simply means humans traveling into space for recreational purposes. it offers a paid tour to space by some commercial companies like Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin which are developing spacecraft to take paying travelers beyond the earth's surface.  The first space tourist was US millionaire Dennis Tito, who in 2001 paid $20 million to hitch a ride on a Russian Soyuz spacecraft to visit the international space station and spent eight days there. space tourism covers spaceflights that are sub-orbital(reach lower space but are not powerful enough to enter Earth’s orbit), orbital(achieve orbital velocity in or

This Is How We Are Using Augmented Reality In Our Daily Life.

Augmented Reality: Biggest Technology Trend Right Now. Are you a GTA fan and loving GTA street reels on Instagram? Have you ever thought about how these virtual characters came into reality, how just using a Snapchat filter makes a person look different from reality? These all are possible just because of Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality is one of the biggest technology trends right now. From making people crazy on social media to make people's life easier by just sitting at home and trying how a piece of certain furniture will look in their house, Augmented Reality is trending everywhere. Augmented reality (AR) is an enhanced version of the real physical world that is achieved through the use of digital visual elements, sound, or other sensory stimuli delivered via technology. It uses the existing environment and overlays new information on top of it. AR makes it possible to see the real-life environment right in front of us with a digital augmentation overlaid on it like brin